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Celeste Prater

Welcome to the Author Spotlight with Tina Donahue



During the day, she’s in charge—at night, he’ll take command of her body, their desires…

Dominance and discipline. Alexandra hungers for both from Daniel, the lead engineer on her Alaskan energy project. She imagines him punishing then mounting her while his team watches. Full-figured, Alexandra hasn’t had much luck with guys, especially ones so potently male. To change that, she invites Daniel to teach her submission to his most carnal needs. She also invites his men.

For too long, Daniel’s craved Alexandra’s lush figure and smarts. However, she’s his boss, it’s not wise to mix business with pleasure, and no damn way does he intend to share her. After one lusty night of her submitting to him and his men, Daniel claims Alexandra as his sub. On his terms. No regrets. No strings.

Yeah, right.

Tell that to their hearts.

Inside scoop: Alexandra and Daniel set things on fire with a brief ménage. Lucky girl has several men to fulfill her needs!

Sneak Peek of


Daniel debated whether to ask if she wanted in on their poker game. Before he could, she moved to a shelf of plastic plates. With her beer bottle next to them, she pulled off her other glove, her scarves, parka, and tossed them on an empty bench. She wore construction boots, jeans, a plaid flannel shirt in black and red, along with thermal underwear that peeked from beneath her collar and the ends of her sleeves. In other words, clothing identical to what he and the others had on.

Unlike them, she looked adorable, her long, chestnut hair braided, the end of it dangling above her ass. Her lush buttocks filled out her jeans nicely, begging a guy’s hands to explore every inch of them. Daniel couldn’t count the times he’d wanted to indulge himself in that, along with snuggling his face between her full, ripe breasts that were beyond womanly. Alexandra’s body was all softness and curves, meant for a man’s use.

Though not his. When she noticed him watching, indecision, and what might have been unease, flickered across her face. She took another prolonged swig of her beer.

Cool it, he ordered himself. Clearly, he was scaring her.

With a ton of willpower, Daniel turned back to his cards, not seeing any of them, no matter how long or hard he tried. Alexandra remained in his thoughts.

She’d moved to the pool table in the corner and kept rolling the cue ball across the torn green felt. Each time the ball hit the side of the table, Daniel’s heart jumped. In his peripheral vision, he noticed she’d focused on him again. Nat kept shooting him looks that asked, ‘What the fuck’s going on?’

Only Alexandra knew, and she wasn’t telling.

Intrigued, Daniel glanced over.

She didn’t turn away as he’d expected, but regarded him with such naked hunger, his mouth went dry. A trickle of sweat ran down his chest. Was she actually coming on to him? In front of his crew?

She stopped bouncing the ball in her hand. Her face flushed, making her eyes seem even bluer. She murmured, “Do you want to play with me?”

For too many damned weeks, and she must have finally caught on. Her throaty voice had dropped even lower, sounding nearly as deep as his. Junior noticed that and her double entendre. Bending over, he muffled his snicker as he pretended to get another beer.

Daniel said the only thing he could, given the other guys. “You want to play pool?”

Alexandra regarded the ball, her expression saying she just noticed it and the table she’d leaned against. Her forehead and cheeks pinked up even more. If Daniel had been a betting man, he would have wagered she was debating whether to stay or run.

She didn’t move a muscle. Her body language changed, showing her sudden decision. Her determination to dig in here as she’d often done on the site, as though her life depended upon it. “If that’s what you want to do first.”


Nat kicked him under the table. Daniel ignored him. “I don’t understand.”

Alexandra put the ball down. “We can make it interesting. Play for our clothes, unless you prefer strip poker.” She gestured to the deck of cards. “I’m game for either, and everything that comes after it.”



Tina Donahue is an award-winning, bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, and Kensington. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic romances (Adored, Lush Velvet Nights, and Deep, Dark, Delicious) were named finalists in the 2011 EPIC competition. The French review site, Blue Moon reviews, chose her erotic romance Sensual Stranger as their Book of the Year 2010 (erotic category). The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for Lush Velvet Nights, and two of her titles (The Yearning and Deep, Dark, Delicious) received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition (2011 and 2012). Take Me Away and Adored both won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. She was the editor of an award–winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a Hollywood production company.


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